We are a warm and close-knit family at St Anne’s with one cohort per age range from 3 to 11 years.
As a result of our close bonds with each other, we expect that the children who begin their education with us in the Nursery will stay with us for the full eight years. In fact, many pop back to visit after leaving St Anne’s for secondary school and beyond!
Our school is at the heart of the community, and we are proud of our diverse and vibrant community. We are an inclusive school where all are welcome.
We believe that parents are the first and most important teachers of their children and so we want to develop a close partnership from the outset. We want your child to be happy at our school and we want you to be involved in your child’s education because schools are most successful when parents and teachers work together. We will do all we can to keep you informed of your child’s progress and development at school. You will also be encouraged to attend open evenings, accompany classes on outings and help with class activities.
“This is the best school I could have ever dreamed of, it’s home to me.”
Parent voice comment
Our students are happy and behave in a calm manner. They display a positive attitude towards their learning and strive to support each other to achieve their best. They develop lifelong qualities such as being responsible, resourceful and resilient. We have high expectations of behaviour. Through Christian values the children develop their ability to reflect, empathise and value each other. We all pride ourselves in being good role models for others. Our golden rule is taken from Matthew, chapter 7 Verse 12. ‘Do unto others as you would have others do unto you’.

“Teachers never let behaviours slip…they help us to be one big family.”
Year 4 pupil voice comment
As a Church school a sympathetic understanding of the Christian faith and an awareness of Christian values is encouraged. We aim to provide a caring and spiritually supportive environment in which mutual respect, equality and responsibility are valued by all. Our Christian ethos enables us to help children develop their spirituality and sense of moral purpose.
The practice of spirituality is as important as learning about it in class, and the life and achievements of the children are celebrated in worship. The children come together every day for collective worship and each class leads collective worship each term.
Additionally, Church Services are attended by the whole school on several occasions throughout the year in St Anne’s Church. Parents are encouraged to join in all these events in which the children take a full and active part.
“I love Collective Worship, it’s calm and it gives us time to think about important things.”
Year 3 pupil voice comment