What is the Faith Group?
At St. Anne’s, our Faith Group has a very important role to play in our Christian Community. They meet regularly to discuss how to develop and improve R.E and Collective Worship in the school. Pupils are elected by their classes to join Faith Group and to represent their views for the following year.
Faith Group members contribute to designing and leading their own Collective Worships at least every half term. They help develop our prayer corners in each class and make practical suggestions about how they would like faith to be demonstrated in the school. They have been thinking about what makes our Church of England School so special and they are pivotal in supporting our Christian Ethos and Vision.
I like being part of Faith Group because it helps me to help others to find the similarities in all of us, not the differences.
Faith Group member, 2023

Ways that the Faith Group have impacted School Life include:
- Planning and Leading Collective Worship once a term
- Planning and Leading Church Services once a term
- Planning the Prayer Room for Prayer Week and being responsible for its up keep and use throughout the week
- Assessing Collective Worship
- Writing a leaflet about the School Core Values and providing ideas for Homework based on the Core Values

Aims of the Faith Group
- To promote your views through discussion about the issues raised
- To help the people who make decisions in the school understand and respect your point of view
- To enable you to have experience in being a Leader within your School Community education
- To promote the school’s reputation and to maintain the school ethos
- To participate in planning and leading Collective worship and Church Services which reflect the faith of the community and school