Welcome to EYFS!

EYFS is a very exciting time for both parents and children. During this year we will all work together to ensure that your child will develop a love for learning which they will carry with them for the rest of their school journeys. We provide a nurturing and exciting learning environment to give all of our children the opportunity to grow and develop into happy and confident learners. We understand that children learn best when they are interested and intrigued.
To find out about your child starting school please click Reception starters.
EYFS Statutory Framework
In our EYFS classes, children will build on their home experiences and take part in a wide variety of multi-sensory activities in both the inside and outdoor classrooms. Learning opportunities are planned predominately around the children’s interests, wants and needs. This allows us to provide individualised learning for each child. We provide many practical experiences too such as outdoor learning, baking, role play, sand and water and physical play. Alongside this there will be regular phonics, maths and reading sessions. We provide a balance between teacher and child led activities and in addition we arrange both visits and visitors to help enrich the curriculum.
The EYFS Framework (2021) explains how and what children in our EYFS will be learning to support their development. Our EYFS pupils learn skills, acquire new knowledge and demonstrate their understanding through seven areas of learning and development.
Click below to read:
Statutory Framework
Non-Statutory Frameworks
The EYFS framework:
- sets the standards that all early year’s providers must meet to ensure that children learn and develop well
- ensures children are kept healthy and safe
- ensures that children have the knowledge and skills they need to start school.
EYFS Curriculum Intent
Children in our Early Years phase follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum, which consists of seven areas of learning. We teach children by ensuring challenging, playful opportunities across both the prime and specific areas of learning. We recognise that all children develop and learn at different rates and so our EYFS curriculum is designed flexibly to meet the needs of all individuals. We support individual learning through our skilful interactions and observations which lead to detailed next step planning. The Characteristics of Effective Learning underpin our curriculum and pupils learning, through an enabling and well-planned environment we ensure we provide meaningful opportunities for playing and learning, active learning and creating and thinking critically. As children utilise and develop these characteristics, they become effective and motivated learners who demonstrate high levels of well-being and involvement.
Characteristics of Effective Learning
The characteristics of effective learning underpin our pupils learning within the Early Years Foundation Stage. The ways in which they engage with others and their environment – playing and exploring, active learning and creating and thinking critically – underpin learning and development across all areas and support the children to remain effective and motivated learners. We make judgements about a child’s demonstration of the Characteristics of Effective Learning at their particular age and whether or not the learning behaviours defined within these characteristics describes the child.

Our Setting
Continuous Provision is how we plan our learning environment. The purpose of continuous provision is “to continue the provision for learning in the absence of an adult”. Each and every part of our learning environment has been carefully planned to meet and challenge the development needs of our children.
Learning opportunities are carefully planned around the interests of the children so they can lead, take ownership and become immersed in their learning. We support the children to develop their skills progressively in exciting, fun and creative ways to achieve the highest standards possible. We also provide ‘hooks’ or ‘scenarios’ to support their ideas and to really engage the children in their new learning experiences.
As well as our indoor provision our outdoor provision provides varied and exciting experiences. This includes Woodland School and access to a well-planned outdoor space which offers the children those experiences only available in the natural world.

Reception Yearly Overview 2022-23