The Board of Governors has many responsibilities set out by law. The Board answers to parents and the wider local community, and ultimately to Ofsted inspectors, for the school’s overall performance. It works with the Headteacher and staff to help the school deliver the best possible education by fulfilling the following roles:
Providing a strategic view
The Governing Body is ultimately responsible for the school’s strategy for improvement. Its most important task is probably in the appointment of the Headteacher and Deputy Head, and in working with them and the staff to achieve the highest standards for the school.
Ensuring accountability
The Headteacher reports to the Board of Governors on the school’s performance. The Board does not get involved in managerial decisions, but it holds the school to account on whether it delivers on its policies and performance. This covers everything in the life of the school from Safeguarding and exam results to personnel and financial management.
In all its various activities the governors’ role has been summarised as acting as a ‘critical friend’. We are friends of the school, its staff and teachers, but a friend who does not ask difficult questions is not helpful.
The governors at St Anne’s School provide their time on a voluntary basis. They come from a range of different backgrounds including the local authority, parents, staff, and foundation governors (appointed either by election, the Local Authority or the Parish Council at St Anne’s Church or the Southwark Diocesan Board of Education).
The Governing Body meets once a term, and all governors are expected to sit on at least one of the three main committees (Curriculum, Community, Resources). These committees meet at least once a term to deal with detailed aspects of the Governor’s work. ‘Named’ Governors have responsibility for particular areas such as Safeguarding and SEN.
Governors are usually around at parents’ evenings but are often in and out of the school. You can contact the governors by emailing the school office.
Contact Information
Martin Baker (Chair) –
Aldwyn Boscawen (Vice-Chair) –